An Integrated
IoT Healthcare Platform

Smart healthcare for your beloved parents

IOS Android
Hand Mockup

Two Current Painpoints of the Elderly in Hong Kong

– iCare –
A solution that gathers IT and financial innovations

Health Status Monitoring

Intelligent health status monitoring helps identify health risks and detect diseases earlier for timely intervention.

Automatic Emergency Alert

Sending automatic alert and allowing you to summon help when your beloved parents are in an emergency.

Insurance Quoting Facilitator

Customized insurance quotes based on users' health-data, without agency fee.

  • Integrated IoT Solution for Real-time Health Tracking

  • AI Technology for Real-time Health Data Analytics

  • Alerting Family Members/Social Workers for Emergency

  • Lowering Prices of Insurance Policies by Automating Insurance Quoting Processes without Agency Fees

  • Users with Healthier Lifestyle (Reflected by Data such as Step Count/Exercise Frequency) Can Enjoy Cheaper Insurance Policies

  • Facilitating Niche Insurance Policies by Gathering People with the Same Needs

User Interface


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Frequently Asked Questions

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